Thursday, March 4, 2010

New Toy Story 3 Poster... And Alice In Wonderland Sucked

Yahoo News just posted up a brand new poster for Disney Pixar's Toy Story 3! Check it out!
The poster features all the old characters from the previous two Toy Story movies and of course the new characters like Buttercup, Mr. Pricklepants, Peas-In-A-Pod, Lotso Huggin Bear and Ken. The movie's premiering here in Malaysia in June!

And in other related Disney news, the reviews for Tim Burton's premiere of Alice In Wonderland in America have been posted up and whoah! Shockingly they were all strongly negatively bad across the board. Wow.. And some critics whom I hold in really high regard really felt offended watching the movie. So ain't so sure Imma gonna be looking forward to Alice In Wonderland anymore..


  1. orh i just watch finish alice i think is quite cool haha >.<

  2. Cute poster!!

    I'm going to watch it tomorrow with my friend...I hope it's not that bad...

  3. wow. alice in wonderland sucked.... really?

  4. Cant always judge the reviews, dude, you have to see it for yourself

  5. The poster is not that bad,and the movie is excellent. Can't judge a book by its cover.
