Monday, March 22, 2010

Chris Evans Confirmed as Captain America

Chris Evans who played The Human Torch in Fantastic Four has accepted Marvel's offer to be Steve Rogers or better known as Captain America in the next installment in The Avengers franchise.
This means that Evans is going to be joining Robert Downey Jr. and Edward Norton when The Avengers movie roles out in 2012.
Personally I felt Matthew Fox would have been a better choice for Captain America but I did like Chris Evans in Sunshine, so I do look forward to see what he does with the role. The First Avenger: Captain America will premiere in 2011.


  1. yeah, this guy can pull it off. about time, coz all he did in Fantastic Four was take off his shirt.

  2. AH! He's confirm? DAMN! CAP has to have "Brave & people respect him" look....Chis has that Im a funny tryin to be sexy look!!!! AH!!! Hope he doesn't spoil the Captain America image...

  3. "I": Eh! He's not bad okay. He can do serious shit. Just wait and see
