Monday, September 21, 2009

Jack Sparrow Not In Pirates 4?

 With Dick Cook's (the executive responsible for forging Disney's relationship with Jerry Bruckheimer's company) dismissal from Disney, Johnny Depp has come out saying that he is no longer interested in doing the 4th installment of Pirates of the Caribbean
The film, recently announced as Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, is set to be directed by Rob Marshall, the dude who directed Chicago and is slated to be released in 2011.

However losing Johnny Depp would would be a massive blow to Disney, since he helped the Pirates franchise gross over $2 billion worldwide.

So guys, would you still see Pirates if Johnny Depp isn't in it? Think Disney has finally gone crazy? Share your thoughts people!!


  1. WOT?!

    I thought Johnny said he would be in the 4th movie?!?! The whole point of POTC is because of Jack Sparrow. JACK SPARROW. WHO CARES about the others??!?!?!? ='( booohoo

  2. Yeah la but cause the executive guy kena fired, he don't wanna do the movie anymore. Jeng Jeng Jeng Jeng!!!
